CrAzY DeAl

Get 2 Complete Sets of TAME the Crave and Simply Set for only $120, with free priority shipping, PLUS a free energy bracelet! 

  • 4oz Simply Set with 1oz companion spray bottle, normally $85.00
  • 4oz TAME the Crave with 1oz companion bottle, normally $65
  • free energy bracelet

Limited time offer. HURRY, and ORDER NOW

Why?: TAME the Crave is a one-of-a-kind product born out of my own personal challenges with SUGAR. I've done really well on my journey, changing my attitudes towards food, and making the effort to eat healthy. But then, if I even have a TASTE of those sweets...crazy mental cravings set in! I have had to admit to myself that I am a "sugar-holic." I KNOW how terrible sugar is, especially for my diabetic-prone body, but that need, that craving, for sugar seems so REAL! I needed a little help. Maybe more than a little. Out of that desperation... TAME the Crave was born! This product has allowed ME to be in control of what I eat by eliminating the emotional aspect of hunger. I am in CONTROL of what I eat, not the other way around!

The objective of this product is NOT to counteract the effects of sugars and carbs, but to provide a more focused ability to stay away from them in the first place! It may also help stabilize blood sugar, balance hormones, and provide that same "feel good" aspect that comes from the serotonin boost associated with eating those comfort food carbs and sugars--without actually eating those harmful, yet comforting, foods. You can still have those feel-good, serotonin boost feelings, without needing to EAT!

This product does NOT replace meals, and does not subdue actual hunger. It separates emotional from physical hunger, allowing you to recognize your body's natural cues*, without being a SLAVE to emotional CRAVINGS. So, you really could eat just ONE bite of chocolate, and not feel that need for MORE. (*see Hunger Scale)

NOTE: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure.

Directions: Take up to 7 sprays, up to 10 times a day. Shake gently before using. No food or drink 10 minutes before and after using. Start with 3 doses per day, and increase of decrease depending on how you feel. It may take 24 hours to get into the bloodstream for best results. Do not take immediately before bed.

May be used in conjunction with any Simeons protocol compatible products (including drops, sublingual tablets, injections, or Simply Set.)

Ingredients: Purified distilled water encoded with a proprietary blend of B-complex, Vitamin C, Adaptogens, antioxidants, and boosts for adrenals, brain energy, mood stabilizer, carb cravings and blood sugar regulation.
Tame the Crave is totally pure, unprocessed, and completely HORMONE FREE